Adam Asnyk – Biography.
Adam Asnyk (ur. 11 Sept. 1838 in Kalisz, D. 2 of August 1897 in Krakow) - one of the most important Polish poets and playwright., social worker, patriot, nature lover. His work, balancing between reflective lyrics and social commitment, remains a testimony of a turbulent era.
Dzieciństwo i młodość
Adam Prot Asnyk was born in a family with patriotic traditions. his father, Kazimierz, participant in the November Uprising, He traded in leather, travel, Konstancja née Baranowski, She came from the landowners. Raised in an atmosphere of love for literature (Home meetings with the participation of. Wincenty Pole), Already as a teenager he wrote the first poems. He graduated from the Kalisz junior high school, where he came across democratic ideas.
Education and conspiracy
W 1856 R. undertook medical studies at the Warsaw Main School, but he quickly abandoned them for philosophy and literature. He continued his education in Wrocław (law) and Paris (History and social sciences). At that time, he became involved with secret independence organizations. W 1860 R., pod pseudonimem Jan Stożek, He published revolutionary poems in the underground press.
January Uprising and emigration
W 1863 R. joined the January Uprising, Fighting in the Marian Langiewicz ward. After defeat, Pursued by Tsarist Ochrane (tsarist secret police), He was hiding in Galicia, and then emigrated to Germany and Italy. In Dresden, he collaborated with the emigration environment, Writing among others. poem The dream of graves (1865), Full of bitter reflection on the defeat of the uprising.
Return to the country and literary activities
W 1870 R. He settled in Lviv, and from 1875 R. in Krakow. Here he developed wings as a poet and editor ( magazines "Nowa Reforma"). His book debut, Pie (1869), He brought him recognition. In his work he combined a romantic pathos with positivist pragmatism. Cykle In the depths of the sea (1880) i Coastal sonnets (1887) it is meditation on nature and transience, while social poems (To the young, 1880) they called for organic work.
Dramas and prose
Asnyk also reached for dramatic forms. Sztuki jak Kiejstut (1878) Whether Cola Rienzi (1873) explored historical motifs, at the same time criticizing social passivity. He wrote novels (np. Behind the scenes) and columns, Often under pseudonyms.
Social and political activities
Apart from literature, Asnyk was involved in public life. He was a councilor of Krakow (1884–1895), He fought for the modernization of the city. He was active in the Tatra Society, popularizing mountain tourism. W 1889 R. He became a member of the State Council in Vienna, where he defended the rights of Poles in the Austrian partition. He also supported women's education, Co -ownership of a school for girls in Krakow.
Personal life of Adam Asnyk
W 1875 R. He married Zofia Kaczorowska, with whom he had a son Włodzimierz. The marriage was not happy, however - the differences in characters and frequent breakups (Asnyk traveled, among others. to Sicily and Tunis) They led to conflicts. Nevertheless,, The family was a refuge for him, as evidenced by intimate poems dedicated to his wife.
Last years and death
At the end of life, struggling with tuberculosis, Asnyk settled in a villa in Krakowskie Dębniki. He died 2 of August 1897 R. His funeral in Skałka became a national manifestation. In the last poem, Today's idealists, he appealed: "But don't trample the past of the altars ...".
Legacy and commemoration
Asnyk left behind 600 poems, 10 dramas and dozens of journalistic texts. His poetry, combining the precision of words with a philosophical depth, inspired, among others. Leopolda bracket. He was commemorated with monuments in Krakow (1907) and Kalisz (1936), And his name is borne by schools and streets. W 2018 R., w 180. anniversary of birth, The National Bank of Poland has issued a coin with its image.
Interesting facts about Adam Asnyk
- a lover of mountain hiking - many of his poems were created in the Tatra plein -airs.
- His house at ul.. Lenartowicz in Krakow was a literary salon, visited by Stanisław Wyspiański.
- In his youth he was fascinated by the philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer, what you can see in the pessimistic tones of his early work.
Adam Asnyk - Poeta, who taught Poles in times of captivity, how to "look for fresh truth" without losing the soul.