What is the use of an emergency call for the British.
What is today's date, where is the nearest hardware store and how to get in touch with the prime minister? – the British call the emergency number with such matters 999, to the annoyance of the policemen on duty under him – as described by the BBC News portal. Cambridgeshire Police Released Records of Three Telephone Calls representing the Most Blatant Examples of Emergency Time Wasting, in hope, that it will limit similar accidents in the future. – I know, that's not an emergency call, but which we have today? – the first person starts the conversation. The policeman translates, that with such a question you should not call 999. – Agreement, good night – the callers admit with slight resignation. In the second conversation, a nervous and crying woman asks for help, because he can't find the hardware store in Huntington. With some difficulty he can explain himself, that it would be better to ask someone on the street for directions or use a map.
The third caller is the most resistant, who wants to convey his wishes and sympathies to the then Prime Minister Tony Blair. – How the hell can I contact him? – he asks, demanding a number from a policeman to the office of the prime minister or parliament. – This is utter stupidity, he replies to the suggestion, that is what a directory inquiry service is for, but eventually hangs up. The BBC reminds you, that those on call should be calm and polite – regardless of the type of phone calls received.