If they are pink…

If they are pink…

The use of blush on the cheeks by women has its scientific justification. Pink cheeks are considered a sign of health – results from research published in the journal “PLoS One”. Researchers at the Scottish University of St Andrews asked a group of people to computer-correct photos of female and male faces in such a way, to make them look healthier. After comparing the photos, it turned out, that all subjects blushed their faces, the female faces were much more colored. Interestingly, when applying blushes, the respondents used a light shade of red much more often, responding “healthier” oxygenated blood, than a shade darker corresponding to deoxygenated blood. Scientists were surprised by the fact, that this slight difference is subconsciously registered after all.

Although we can blush healthy “work out” thanks to increased physical activity and quitting smoking, women were using effective tricks centuries ago, to add beauty to myself. Egyptian women, for example, painted their cheeks with red ocher combined with fat.