The grotto of Romulus and Remus was discovered?

The grotto of Romulus and Remus was discovered?

About the alleged discovery of the sacred grotto, wherein, according to legend, the she-wolf fed Romulus and Remus – later legendary founders of Rome – inform the archaeologists on the site “National Geographic”. Archaeologists found an underground chamber under the ruins of the palace of Emperor Augustus at the top of the Palatine Hill – high on 70 m hills in the center of Rome. Cultural heritage staff found a deep on 15 m a cave in the course of work related to the reconstruction of the emperor's palace. However, the entrance to it has not yet been found. We know from ancient sources, that cave “it should not be far from the imperial palace, however, it was a surprise” – archaeologist tells, Irene James.

As she added, the explorers did not enter the cave, and they only took pictures of her. – “They show a richly decorated crypt, inlaid with mosaics and shells – too rich, to be part of the home. This is why we believe, that it may be part of an ancient tabernacle, though we are not sure, until we find the entrance to the cave”.

According to legend, a cave called Lupercal, located on the Palatine Hill, was supposed to be a place, where the she-wolf fed Romulus and Remus – twin sons of the god of war, Marsa, and a priestess named Rea Sylwia. The brothers were thrown in a basket into the Tiber. However, the basket ran aground, where the she-wolf found them, then fed in the cave.

According to legend, on the site of the Lupercal cave, the brothers later founded Rome. During the struggle for power, Romulus killed his brother (w 753 R. p.n.e.).

Over time, this place became sacred to the Romans. Every year, in February, ancient priests killed a dog and two goats, and with their blood they ceremoniously smeared the foreheads of two boys from noble families. This custom has survived to 494 R. neither., when Pope Gelasius forbade it.

From 500 R. p.n.e. The Palatine Hill became the residence of the richest citizens of Rome. When the Roman Republic became an empire, w I w. it is. on the top of the hill, Emperor Augustus built palaces for himself and his wife Livia. His successors followed his example, building there larger and more magnificent mansions. Currently, the entire hill is covered with ruins and tunnels, reaching far into it.

“The story of the founding of Rome is partly a myth, and partly historical truth – now Andrea Carandini, historian and archaeologist from the University of Rome, La Sapienza. – The history of twins reflects an earlier tradition of twin deities guarding the area, but there was also a historical founder, which about 775 R. p.n.e. established the Palatine Hill as the sacred city center” – added.

“Archaeological discoveries provide more and more evidence of this, that the legend of the foundation of Rome did not arise afterwards, heals is derived from historical facts” – he said.