The bride has kidnapped the wedding guest

The bride has kidnapped the wedding guest

It all started with the theft of a cell phone at a wedding party. Then there was a ride in the trunk, digging the pit, until finally returning home in only underwear. All of this took place in the Głubczyce poviat. On Sunday, a man came to the County Police Headquarters in Głubczyce and informed him, that he was forcibly dragged into the trunk of the car at night, he was threatened with death and ordered to dig a hole with a shovel. As the police found on Saturday 24-year-old Piotr B.. he went to his colleague's wedding. During the wedding feast, a mobile phone was stolen to the detriment of one of the guests. The revelers cast the suspicion on the 24-year-old. Wedding guests: 46-summer Piotr S., 16-summer Tomasz S. and 31-year-old Piotr Z. using threats and violence they forced him into the trunk of the car. The car was driven by a 24-year-old bride, Agnieszka S.. They left the town. There the man was ordered to undress to his underwear and continued “hearing”. He was ordered to dig a hole with a shovel and threatened.

The man managed to convince the wedding guests to do so, that he is innocent and they let him out. On foot, in socks almost passed 20 km before he got home in Głubczyce.

The police also investigated the theft of the phone during the wedding. They agreed, that the perpetrator was a man, who later reported the fact that he was deprived of his liberty by the wedding guests.

A newly married woman and the other perpetrators were charged with forced behavior and unlawful imprisonment. They face a penalty of up to 5 years of imprisonment. The same penalty may be imposed on the perpetrator of the theft of the phone.