Longevity potion has been recreated

Longevity potion has been recreated

Italian pharmacist from around Tuscan Siena – Giovanni de Munari – announced, that he recreated a longevity elixir based on Chianti wine according to an 18th-century recipe found behind a wardrobe, compiled by one of his ancestors. The Italian media reported about the wine potion. Of Munari, pharmacy owner in Asciano – one of the oldest in Italy – found the recipe during the renovation of the premises. A scrap of paper, on which the recipe was written, interested him so much, that he decided to prepare a potion based on it. And this is how the preparation was created, which, according to the creator's assurances, has unusual properties, mainly due to the beneficial effects of red wine. – My ancestors did not know the names of the chemical ingredients , but they were sure of it, that red wine, and especially Chianti, it is a great boon – said the pharmacist. Informed, that the results of the research, done on his potion are so good, that it intends to produce it on an industrial scale.