Distilled water

Distilled water

Woda destylowana jest przefiltrowana woda pozbawiona całkowicie jakichkolwiek związków mineralnych. It is also purified of other substances, which pollute the water. It is therefore extremely free of any sediment. Pozostają w niej jednak rozpuszczone gazy (carbon dioxide, azote, oxygen) and volatile organic substances. Woda destylowana nie występuje w stanie naturalnym. Purification of minerals takes place under human-controlled conditions.

Distilled water is used in many households. The tank of the steam iron is filled with it. Thanks to that, that distilled water is devoid of, among others. calcium, limescale does not build up inside the iron and does not clog the steam outlet openings. Dzięki temu żelazka nie trzeba oczyszczać, and the device itself lasts longer

Distilled water is also used in the automotive industry. It is poured into the batteries. This is how the electrolyte is diluted. Sometimes this improves the performance of the battery.

Finally, distilled water is used in chemical laboratories. Distilled water has the closest possible composition to the chemical H.2O. As a result, more reliable results are obtained during trials and experiments.