The oldest mother in the world deceived the doctors
The oldest mother in the world deceived the doctors
The oldest mother in the world, who in December gave birth to twins at the age of 67 Years, podała w klinice …
Curiosities from the world
The oldest mother in the world deceived the doctors
The oldest mother in the world, who in December gave birth to twins at the age of 67 Years, podała w klinice …
Kebab brawl
The return from the party ended for eight young men "in the pit”. The cause of the brawl was… kebab. It turns out, …
Avengers drivers have destroyed speed cameras
In Perugia, central Italy, kierowcy ukarani mandatami za przejechanie na czerwonym świetle na jednym ze …
The indestructible duck – dramatic surgery
When a Florida wild duck miraculously survived the hunt, a następnie dwa dni w lodówce i …
She received bank statements by mistake 75 thousand. people.
A resident of Aberdeen in Scotland received bank statements instead of a bank statement she had ordered… 75 thousand. other clients. O …
What happens to foreigners in the Czech Republic
Welcoming the Czech to his homeland, the foreigner should not squeeze his hand for too long. Nie powinien też rozmawiać z …
The Asian Rhabdophis tigrinus snakes have an unusual approach to poisonous toads: after eating the amphibian, izolują i magazynują część …