90-year olds on a computer course

90-year olds on a computer course

90-letni małżonkowie ze szkockiego Prestwick są najstarszymi słuchaczami kursu komputerowego na …

Expedition in search of the snow man

Expedition in search of the snow man

In Górska Szoria in the Kemerovo region (Western Siberia) The first expedition in the history of Russia ended, …

The book with the strangest title

The book with the strangest title

Książka na temat przyszłości białego sera wygrała doroczny brytyjski konkurs na …

He remembers everything from 5. age

He remembers everything from 5. age

One Los Angeles resident remembers almost everything, what has he been doing since 5 age. 58-summer …

He had failed 72 times

He had failed 72 times

They paid him to do “this”, however, he failed to fertilize the neighbor's wife after 72. trials. In Stuttgart, Germany, sędzia będzie …

Sisters make people happy

Sisters make people happy

Sisters make people happy – British scientists have ruled. For they noticed, that if there are daughters in the family, to jej członkowie są bardziej …