A skunk delays a plane flight in Miami
A skunk delays a plane flight in Miami
How it's possible, że tak małe stworzonko doprowadziło do …
Curiosities from the world
A skunk delays a plane flight in Miami
How it's possible, że tak małe stworzonko doprowadziło do …
A resident of a tiny island wants independence
65-summer British sailor Stuart Hill, the only inhabitant of the microscopic islet of Forewick Holm, which is part of the Shetland Islands, …
A monument was unveiled in Russia… enemas
Na terenie jednego z sanatoriów w Rosji odsłonięto pomnik …
45-the summer Englishman put his life up for auction
Above 2 miliony dolarów zaoferowano już w Internecie za życie mieszkającego w Australii …
She was lost in the mountains – the bra saved her life
One American woman found a new use for bras, although in quite unusual circumstances. The woman used her bra, by …
77-summer grandmother trains Italian soldiers
The Italian army is extremely ingenious. For training soldiers, instead of a tall man, a 77-year-old woman was employed. I o dziwo ta kobieta jest …
He went for a test drive and… robbed a bank
Marcel Perrot, 40-summer Canadian from Edmonton, does not like to waste time unnecessarily. He wanted to buy a used car. Kiedy zdecydował się …
The bride turned out to be… man
Virginia state officials are in real trouble. Turned out, that they had unknowingly and unlawfully legalized their marriage 2 gentlemen – …
Recharge the battery in your cell… dancing!
It turns out, that dancing will charge you not only with positive energy, but also helps to charge your phone. All thanks to a portable charger, …
The plane has passed the destination airport, bo… the pilots fell asleep
An Air India plane has passed its destination airport in Mumbai, because both pilots fell asleep – he published the newspaper on Thursday …