Guinness funeral record

Guinness funeral record

Some records really amaze us. Mijo Tkalcec z Chorwacji dla przyjemności lubi …

Clubbing postarza

Clubbing postarza

About that, that heavy partying can make you old, a 25-year-old Briton found out. The doctors estimated his brain age at… …

Record? 16-the year-old girl robbed 7 banks

Record? 16-the year-old girl robbed 7 banks

French police detained the teenager, whose young age absolutely did not interfere with the brilliant career of a robber. Girl, together with partners, od początku …

Too hot? Have an eel drink!

Too hot? Have an eel drink!

Scorching heat and heat outside? The Japanese have the perfect solution. You know, that you have to drink a lot in such weather. But …