For many people, studying in high school is the best time in life. For others, however, it is only science, science, learning with a break from stress. Yes I know, that real skating starts in college and that high school is a training before them. So please, don't write it to me in the comments.
For me, high school was a big leap compared to junior high. I hope, that thanks to some advice, You will manage to avoid some mistakes at the beginning :
Firstly: Think carefully about which high school profile to choose. If you are good at humanities, and weak in strict, then do not get involved in any bio-chemicals and other mat-physics. Go to such a class, in which you have a chance to stay. No sense, to zarzyną się / a 3 years in math, barely passing.
Secondly: You have already chosen your human profile, let's assume. However, it turns out, that memorizing the constitution is not for you, and analyzing Mickiewicz's ,,Akkerman Steppes” gives you the chills. Then what? Personally, I suggest moving to a different profile, if it's possible. Only do it as soon as possible. Don't wait until second grade or longer with it.
Thirdly: Realize, that the grade was satisfactory (3) that's a good grade in high school. This is no longer a junior high school, that only fours and fives are on the fly. It took me the entire first year to grasp this principle. So don't make my mistakes and realize quickly, that in high school, not so often someone has red stripes and a sixes on the certificate.
Fourthly: Don't stress too much. I know, it's hard, but at least try. I noticed, that when you approach learning at ease, your grades are better. At least it works for me. Sometimes the more I learn, the worse my school is. CAUTION! I don't mean it, that you may embrace science and not worry about it. Common sense and a balance between school and leisure are essential.
Fifth: I won't discover America here, if I find, that the main goal of the high school is to successfully pass the final exams. Therefore, focus on extended items, that is these, which you will most likely be taking your secondary school-leaving exam. You have to prioritize yourself. If you are in human, you focus most on Polish, wax and history. You also pay attention to foreign languages, because they will always be useful in life. Dopiero po tych przedmiotach jest cała reszta szkolnych pierdół np. brilliantly wise science lessons. legend has it, that it was useful to someone in life ,,Nature” from high school. In practice: if you have a test of culture and history on one day, I advise you to study history first.
Of course, you don't have to agree with all the advice. I wrote based on my experience. I do not go to the Lyceum high school. They're really pushing us, besides, we have a semester exam at the end of each semester. I am in human, so I am writing an exam in elementary and extended Polish in December, basic mathematics, history and wax. In May, however, I am writing all the above tests + English and German language exam (material from the whole year). Dlatego chciałam się podzielić moimi pomysłami jak przeżyć liceum i nie oszaleć. 🙂