Atlantis found?

Atlantis found?

A fascinating shape was found with Google Earth, located almost 5 kilometers below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean. According to some, the photo shows a lost mythical city – Atlantis. The satellite image shows a rectangle with a diagonal of approx 200 km. The figure is outlined with even lines, which you think “The Sun” may be the former boundaries of a metropolis. The shape was found using a new service in Google Earth – Ocean, based on satellite imagery and marine research. Dr Charles Orser, curator of the archeology department of the New York State Museum, one of the leading authorities on Atlantis research, named the find “fantastic”. This location is the closest to Plato's descriptions. Even, if it is a natural shape, it should be examined more closely. Dr Charles Orser, New York State Museum – This location is the closest to Plato's descriptions. Even, if it is a natural shape, it should be examined more closely – he said. The legendary city of Atlantis has occupied the minds of thinkers for centuries. Will his mystery finally be unraveled?? The mysterious area was discovered by engineer Bernie Bramford.

It is located almost 1000 kilometers west of the African coast, near the Canary Islands. This is the closest location to this one, pointed out by the philosopher Plato. The Athenian thinker considered, that an advanced civilization was swallowed up by the ocean after the great earthquake, which was supposed to take place around 9700 R. p.n.e. that is almost 12 thousands of years ago.