The bull mistook him for a cow

The bull mistook him for a cow

Service “Ananova”, in which department “Quirkies” pojawiają się dziwne i …

New offer of airlines: Lot… to nowhere!

New offer of airlines: Lot… to nowhere!

You have noticed, that each plane goes to a specific place? Amerykańska …

Pilgrim woke up in the morgue

Pilgrim woke up in the morgue

Hindu pilgrim, who during the panic in the temple, He lost consciousness, obudził …

A lifetime sausage for Olympic gold

A lifetime sausage for Olympic gold

Producent mięsa z Białorusi znalazł naprawdę śmieszny sposób na zdopingowanie białoruskich sportowców biorących udział w …

Guinness funeral record

Guinness funeral record

Some records really amaze us. Mijo Tkalcec from Croatia likes to walk for fun… for funerals. So, że ma na koncie już …

Clubbing postarza

Clubbing postarza

About that, that heavy partying can make you old, a 25-year-old Briton found out. The doctors estimated his brain age at… 68 Years. Stewart Burton z …