She was lost in the mountains – the bra saved her life
She was lost in the mountains – the bra saved her life
One American woman found a new use for bras, …
Curiosities from the world
She was lost in the mountains – the bra saved her life
One American woman found a new use for bras, …
77-summer grandmother trains Italian soldiers
The Italian army is extremely ingenious. For training soldiers, zamiast rosłego …
He went for a test drive and… robbed a bank
Marcel Perrot, 40-summer Canadian from Edmonton, does not like to waste time unnecessarily. Chciał nabyć …
The bride turned out to be… man
Virginia state officials are in real trouble. Turned out, że nieświadomie i wbrew prawu …
Recharge the battery in your cell… dancing!
It turns out, that dancing will charge you not only with positive energy, but also helps to charge your phone. All thanks to a portable charger, …
The plane has passed the destination airport, bo… the pilots fell asleep
An Air India plane has passed its destination airport in Mumbai, because both pilots fell asleep – he published the newspaper on Thursday …
The smallest pasta in the world
This pasta can be really delicious. Unfortunately, to try it, you need great – microscopic sticks. The Japanese constructed the smallest vessel in the world …
She won her funeral
Elain Fulps is excited about the award, but he is in no rush to collect it. Funeral worth 10 thousand. dolarów był nagrodą w konkursie towarzyszącym …
The most expensive watermelon in the world
A record price was achieved by a black watermelon sold today at an auction in Japan. This fruit must have an unusual taste. Watermelon, which weighs over 7 …
Likelihood of death from coconut
Death is the only sure thing in life. However, the way, in which it reaches us, has nothing to do with certainty. From disclosed …