The tallest Lego tower in the world

The tallest Lego tower in the world

Guinness record broken. Tower, która została zbudowana w …

Tracheotomy with a steak knife

Tracheotomy with a steak knife

55-summer American Steve Wilder, Nebraska resident, przeprowadził na …

Compensation for big feet?

Compensation for big feet?

It turns out, that it pays to have mighty rates. Producent samochodów musi …

Advertising in the clouds?

Advertising in the clouds?

imagine, that you are lying in the meadow, you look at the sky and you stare at the white ones, fluffy clouds… w

A prison better than a hotel

A prison better than a hotel

Criminals enjoy such luxurious conditions in British prisons, that they don't even try to escape to freedom – oświadczył sekretarz generalny zrzeszenia funkcjonariuszy …

The attorney general declares war on Barbie

The attorney general declares war on Barbie

The Iranian prosecutor general called on the authorities in Tehran, make them take “a cultural offensive” against western toys – powiadomiła w niedzielę irańska agencja …