Toys help scientists

Toys help scientists.

Using sheets of heat-shrinking plastic (stretched polystyrene, sprzedawanego w USA jako zabawka …

He passed school of survival in… the toilet

He passed school of survival in… the toilet

A British pensioner has gone through survival training, gdy zacięta klamka uwięziła …

“Stuffers” in the Kiev subway

“Stuffers” in the Kiev subway

Special workers have appeared in the Kiev metro, stuffing passengers into carriages. Gazeta “Segodnia” he writes, że działają …

A Peruvian immigrant mending the papal shoes

A Peruvian immigrant mending the papal shoes

Benedict XVI's shoes are being repaired by a Peruvian immigrant, Antonio Arellano, which has a shoemaker's shop near the Vatican – ujawniła włoska agencja prasowa …