The best hiding place is the wardrobe

The best hiding place is the wardrobe

American, who, fearing burglars, hid in the dressing room, NO …

“Followers” space sagas found a church

“Followers” space sagas found a church

Two devotees “Star Wars” postanowili stworzyć w Walii kościół zrzeszający …

Phone bill on 63 millions of euros

Phone bill on 63 millions of euros

44-letnia niepełnosprawna mieszkanka małego miasteczka we wschodniej Francji …

Playground for… retirees

Playground for… retirees

There is a playground in a Manchester park… retirees. “A playground for older people” in Blackley, it's packed with gear, on …

The thief fell asleep during the break-in!

The thief fell asleep during the break-in!

This story resembles a fairy tale about Goldilocks and the three bears. But it doesn't end there, like a fairy tale… Jakież było zdziwienie właścicieli pewnego …

5-the year-old saved a fortune!

5-the year-old saved a fortune!

5-year-old Oliver Pettigrew of Easingwold, North Yorkshire, discovered, that the employees of the local branch of HSBC did not close the bank after the Friday shift. Rodzice chłopca …