Strange study courses in Italy
Strange study courses in Italy
You can study at Italian universities not only at “classic directions”, …
Curiosities from the world
Strange study courses in Italy
You can study at Italian universities not only at “classic directions”, …
Record : the greatest Indian dish in the world!
60 chefs by 10 hours of cooking 13 …
21-summer “reckless Romeo” already has 7 kids
21–Year-old Keith Macdonald from Washington (North East of England), …
A Norwegian biathlete built a rifle for potatoes
Norwegian biathlete Emil Hegle Svendsen has developed a potato rifle, który ma zasięg rażenia do …
Pole caught having sex with a vacuum cleaner
Polish construction worker, working in a London hospital, he masturbated with a vacuum cleaner. The security guard caught him. Nie byłoby o czym …
He drove the car from the showroom for a test for six days
Australian, who took the new car for a test drive, został zatrzymany po sześciu dniach i ponad trzech tysiącach …
There is already a mind reading machine
“Mind reading machine”, which had so far only seemed to be a product of science fiction, becomes reality – pisze w najnowszym …
Italy: mimosa for Women's Day
On Women's Day, widely celebrated in Italy, ladies receive, according to tradition, sprigs of mimosa. This is the most popular gift given to Italians 8 …
Hot pepper spray as a gift for Women's Day
The Division of the Northern League in Milan will celebrate Women's Day by distributing peperoncino sprays to ladies.. …
Mandate for flash mob
Real's security felt threatened, when approx 30 young people fired fingers and plastic pistols at each other. The police were called, which …