The Kramer case - a review
The Kramer case - a review
The film deals with the issue of equality between women and men. In this case, with a legitimate advantage for the guys. Poza …
Curiosities from the world
The Kramer case - a review
The film deals with the issue of equality between women and men. In this case, with a legitimate advantage for the guys. Poza …
dream Book, dream about - Kissing sister.
The meaning of sleep - Kissing your sister.
dream Book, dream about - Kissing children.
Znaczenie snu – Całowanie …
dream Book, dream about - Kissing the mother.
The meaning of sleep - Kissing the mother.
Ostatnio spotkałeś się z przychylnością i
dream Book, dream about - Kissing brother.
The meaning of sleep - Kissing your brother.
Soon you will meet friendly people
dream Book, dream about - Kiss the feet.
Kissing the feet is paying respect by kissing another person's feet with your lips.
Znaczenie snu – Całować stopy.…
dream Book, dream about - Kissing.
To kiss is to kiss one another.
Meaning of sleep - Kissing.
Całowanie się symbolizuje rozłąkę
dream Book, dream about - Kiss your hands.
To kiss your hands is to touch your mouth with your hand.
The meaning of sleep - Kiss your hands.
Ktoś rozsiewa krzywdzące plotki o
dream Book, dream about - Kiss a hand.
To kiss a hand is to touch the mouth with the hand, a courteous act used to greet or say goodbye.
The importance of sleep …
dream Book, dream about - Kiss.
Kissing is touching with your lips to express your feelings; to give a kiss, give a kiss.
Meaning of sleep - Kiss.