Dream interpretation broad beans
Dream interpretation broad beans.
dream Book, dream o - Broad bean.
Broad beans are a plant with fleshy pods and edible seeds; Too: nasiona tej rośliny.…
Curiosities from the world
dream Book, dream o - Broad bean.
Broad beans are a plant with fleshy pods and edible seeds; Too: nasiona tej rośliny.…
dream Book, dream o - Twins.
A twin is one of two individuals born in one childbirth; a twin.
Znaczenie …
dream Book, dream o - Battle.
A battle is a clash between the armed forces of the parties at war, clash of opposing ideas, interesów …
dream Book, you it - ticket.
A ticket is a cardboard box with an appropriate imprint, uprawniający posiadacza do wejścia gdzieś lub do …
dream Book, sin o – Bierki.
Chess pieces is a game in which one selects previously scattered sticks, without moving others.
The meaning of sleep - Bierki.
dream Book, dream o - Bed linen.
Bed linen is outerwear (changed) part of the bedding (pillowcases, sheets).
The importance of sleep - Bed linen.
Rest, calm
dream Book, dream about - Run.
To run is to be on the run. Running. Marathon.
The importance of sleep - Run.
Run in front of everyone: zwycięstwo i pozostawienie
dream Book, dream o - Endless.
Bezkres is huge, empty space, seemingly endless, bezkresny, endlessly, limitlessness.
Znaczenie snu – …
dream Book, dream about - Insolence.
Insolence is a man who reckons with nothing and nobody, overconfident; Too: świadczący o takich …
dream Book, sen o - Bez.
Lilac is a shrub or a low tree with purple or white inflorescences; Too: a bunch of flowers of this plant.
The importance of sleep …