Dream interpretation Academy
Dream interpretation Academy.
dream Book, dream o - Academy.
The importance of sleep - Academy.
Pay a visit - the opportunity will pass your nose.
Curiosities from the world
dream Book, dream o - Academy.
The importance of sleep - Academy.
Pay a visit - the opportunity will pass your nose.
dream Book, sen o - Agrafia.
Agrafia to utrata (dysgraphia, disorder) writing ability.
Znaczenie …
dream Book, dream o - Africa.
The meaning of sleep - Africa.
Nigdy nie jest za …
dream Book, you it - Goodbye.
The meaning of sleep - Affair.
Important decisions await you, których nie wolno Ci
dream Book, its o – Subscription.
The importance of sleep – Subscription.
A new romantic relationship awaits you.
Pay a subscription – Nie wahaj się prosić o pomoc.
dream Book, its o: Abortion.
The importance of sleep: Abortion.
It means punctuality in matters important to you.
Abortion (for a woman) – Ostrzeżenie przed kontynuacją realizowanych projektów
dream Book, its o: Abraham.
The importance of sleep: Abraham.
For religious people, it symbolizes the need to prove love for God.…
dream Book, its o: Abracadabra.
The importance of sleep: Abracadabra.
Speak or hear - an unusual situation awaits you.…
dream Book, its o: Absenteeism.
The importance of sleep: Absenteeism.
Your absenteeism - the immediate future brings with it challenges on the social level.
Absence of a loved one –
dream Book, its o: Discharge.
The importance of sleep: Discharge.
Do not undertake too intense physical exertion soon.…