They figure out the psyche of criminals
They figure out the psyche of criminals
They call us profilers, that is, specialists in the field of building psychological profiles of criminals. There are few of us in Poland …
Curiosities from the world
They figure out the psyche of criminals
They call us profilers, that is, specialists in the field of building psychological profiles of criminals. There are few of us in Poland …
What women wear in handbags?
The average British woman carries over in her everyday purse 3 kilograms …
Scientists have acquired the blood and cells of the dinosaur
Paleontolog Mary Schweitzer z Uniwersytetu Północnej Karoliny …
Guitar Record broken in Wrocław
1-have it on the Wrocław market square 6346 muzyków pobiło rekord Guinnessa w równoczesnym graniu na gitarze …
The surprising effect of small fruits
Grapes help lower the risk of heart disease in people who eat a salt-rich diet. Naukowcy amerykańscy prowadzili badania na dwóch grupach …
You are “owl” Whether “early bird”?
The latest research proves, that person, which lead a lifestyle “Owls”, they get tired much later, than getting up at dawn “larks”. W …
The record-holder carpenter has done over 700 thousand. coffins
Austrian carpenter Herbert Weber entered the Guinness Book of Records as a world record holder in the production of coffins. Within over …
He forced the robbed people to listen to his singing
Mexican police detained the thief, who forced the robbed persons to listen to his singing – informed the AFP agency in the morning. …
She lost her job, because she was using Facebook during her illness
She said, that he is suffering from migraine, he cannot work on the computer and must lie in a darkened room. …
A little energy drink will give us “please”?
The latest research proves, that when practicing long-distance sports, even rinsing your mouth with an energy drink can improve your body's performance. Until recently …