Easter weather

Easter weather

Easter is a spring holiday. We are used to associating them with the greenery of the vegetation awakened after the winter, with flowers, z …

Easter weather

Easter weather

Święta Wielkanocne odbywają się zawsze wiosną przez co można wyobrażać je sobie jako ciepłe i zielone …

Weather in early May

Weather in early May

Due to this, that the beginning of May is the time of two official days off from work, which …

What is your favourite book

What is your favourite book

Fewer and fewer people read these days. It is not surprising, taking into account technological development and life mechanization. Eventually …

What is your favorite band

What is your favorite band

There are many different genres of music. We can choose from classical sounds, walking through light pop sounds, wsłuchując się w nuty rockowe …

Is it worth buying tear gas

Is it worth buying tear gas

Walking in towns and villages at night can be a dangerous activity. Sometimes, however, it is impossible to avoid such situations. We're coming back from work, …

What book as a wedding gift

What book as a wedding gift

More and more often a young couple in exchange for a bouquet of flowers, wishes to bring them a book as a gift. Niewątpliwie …