The lunch saved a life

The lunch saved a life

Stories like that don't happen often. The attacked American was very lucky, …

You enter the pool, the dam… with

You enter the pool, the dam… with

He was looking for company? The shark jumped in, a właściwie został wepchnięty przez …

Homemade submarine?

Homemade submarine?

Can you build a working submarine from barrels and old equipment bought at a flea market?? Of course, that you can! I nawet nie …

Paris is a prehistoric city

Paris is a prehistoric city

Paris rose up 7 thousands of years ago! This is a remarkable discovery by French archaeologists. They found the remains of a prehistoric settlement near the Eiffel Tower. Specjaliści z …

Modernity enters the offer of funeral directors

Modernity enters the offer of funeral directors

Shrouds biodegradable, underwater cemeteries, the ashes of the deceased scattered with the help of artistically composed fireworks – tak wygląda najnowsza oferta amerykańskich …