The website connects lost gloves

The website connects lost gloves

Na stronie internetowej założonej przez pewną studentkę z Pittsburga znalezione …

Most searched on Google

Most searched on Google

Chinese Google provided the most frequently searched terms of the past year. “Six” it is only in fifth place! Password “six” przegrało z nazwami dwóch największych …

Idiot of the year 2007

Idiot of the year 2007

Ranking 2007 Idiot of the Year (Idiot of the Year 2007) by Emil Steiner on his blog, journal editor “Washington Post”. Pierwsze miejsce zajął …

A museum of laziness was established

A museum of laziness was established

Sofas lined up in front of playing televisions, couches or beds – all, which is connected with resting was exhibited in the open in the capital of Colombia, Bogota, …