Hasn't washed since 35 Years, to have a son
Hasn't washed since 35 Years, to have a son
He already has seven daughters. Jasnowidz powiedział …
Curiosities from the world
Hasn't washed since 35 Years, to have a son
He already has seven daughters. Jasnowidz powiedział …
A chocolate-fueled vegetable racer
W przyszłym miesiącu naukowcy z brytyjskiego Warwick University zaprezentują pierwszy …
Two-year-old with an IQ level 156
Dwuletnia dziewczynka stała się najmłodszym członkiem Mensy – jej …
What women wear in handbags?
The average British woman carries over in her everyday purse 3 kilograms of necessary items, co może prowadzić …
Scientists have acquired the blood and cells of the dinosaur
Paleontologist Mary Schweitzer of the University of North Carolina says, że odkryła w kości dinozaura elementy przypominające krew i …
The surprising effect of small fruits
Grapes help lower the risk of heart disease in people who eat a salt-rich diet. Naukowcy amerykańscy prowadzili badania na dwóch grupach …
You are “owl” Whether “early bird”?
The latest research proves, that person, which lead a lifestyle “Owls”, they get tired much later, than getting up at dawn “larks”. W …
The record-holder carpenter has done over 700 thousand. coffins
Austrian carpenter Herbert Weber entered the Guinness Book of Records as a world record holder in the production of coffins. Within over …
He forced the robbed people to listen to his singing
Mexican police detained the thief, who forced the robbed persons to listen to his singing – informed the AFP agency in the morning. …
She lost her job, because she was using Facebook during her illness
She said, that he is suffering from migraine, he cannot work on the computer and must lie in a darkened room. …