Woman “has grown” to the toilet seat on 2 patch

Woman “has grown” to the toilet seat on 2 patch

Thirty-five-year-old woman, who sat on the toilet in her friend's apartment for so long, that until “has grown” to the board, she suffered from phobias. According to her friend, she was afraid to leave the bathroom. – She is an adult. She makes her own decisions. I admit, I should have asked someone to help her in advance. But I just got used to it too quickly, and not another state of affairs – McFarren said. The woman's case received wide coverage in the United States after that, like Bryan, Ness County Sheriff, where the woman lived told her story, adding, that the skin of a woman, who for two years did not get up from the toilet, until it has grown around the toilet seat. – We had to pry the toilet seat open and tear it away from the shell. It was adhered to the skin of the woman. It was only surgically removed by doctors in the hospital.

A woman's thirty-six-year-old friend said, that she wasn't sure how long Pam Bobcock stayed in the bathroom, because as he says “time passed so fast, that he completely lost count”. He also claims, that phobia, which his friend suffers from, that's the effect of it, that she was beaten as a child.

– It happened very quickly. One day she went into the bathroom and was in it a little longer than usual. The next day, even longer. And finally it got into her head, that he will stay there, because it's the safest place for her – said Kory McFarren. He adds, that the woman was normally moving around the bathroom, she was bathing, and changed into clothes, which he brought her.

He also brought her food and drink, they talked and maintained normal contacts - that was it, that everything took place in the bathroom. McFarren decided to call the police late last month, because he started to worry. According to him, Babcock was acting weird, as if she didn't know what was going on around her at all.

What the rescuers found, when they entered the bathroom it stunned everyone and caused a real stir. As revealed by Sheriff Whipple, a Dressed Woman, she was sitting on the toilet with her shorts lowered to the middle of her thighs. She was clearly confused, and her legs looked like she was suffering from muscle weakness.

– It wasn't glued, she was not attached. Her body was just physically whole with the toilet seat. I know, it's hard to imagine. I still find it hard to believe. At first, the woman did not even want to hear about medical help, however, the rescuers and her friend managed to convince her together, that she should go to the hospital.

– She said, that I don't need any help, that it feels good, and that she doesn't want to leave the bathroom – Whipple said and added, that the state attorney is considering, whether not to charge a friend of a woman. Corey McFarren, who works in an antique store, claims, that he had been taking care of his friend for sixteen years, which they spent together. He swears, that he tried to convince her every day, to come out of the bathroom. It was said to always suit him the same – “maybe tomorrow”.

Doctors from the hospital in Wichita describe the woman's condition as good. However, she has a leg infection and such severe nerve damage, that it is possible, that she will be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. The woman does not want to cooperate with the police and investigation teams for the time being.

James Ellis, Babcock's neighbor, who has known her since childhood, claims, that he hadn't seen her in at least the last six years. He adds, that she had a difficult childhood. Her mother died when she was little, and when she was a teenager she was rarely allowed to leave the house. – I am not surprised by what happened. I am surprised, however, that it was reacted so late – adds Ellis.