The city fights pests with loud rock music

The city fights pests with loud rock music

Rock music and very large loudspeakers unexpectedly turned out to be beneficial for a city regularly haunted by destructive insects. The inhabitants of the American city of Tuscarora found out how dangerous crickets can be. The city is attacked at least once a year by an unusual variety of grasshopper. Insects form swarms, which can be composed of up to millions of individuals. In such groups they wander the desert, eating everything, what they will encounter on their way. They are very dangerous to farmers, whose fields can literally be stripped, just like the locust attack. It also gets dangerous on the roads – some sections become completely impassable. One of the most effective insect repellants has proven to be… rock music! As the people of Tuscaror prepare to repel the invasion, preparing the speakers, cables and radios. The local radio station is preparing songs from real classics for this occasion – Rolling Stones i Led Zeppelin. The insects obviously don't like this music – They are most likely deterred by the strong vibrations it causes. For the time of animal migration, at various points around the city, rock flows from the speakers from dawn to dusk. – My theory is this, they just don't like heavy metal – says Laura Moore, resident of Tuscaror. How did you come to that?

One of the townspeople, which has long fought with insects, came across an old article describing a woman, which deterred them with gong strikes. From there, the road to rock was easy. Scientists have yet to explain precisely why grasshoppers actually react so much to rock music.