Love: state of temporary insanity
Love lasts no more than four years and is what characterizes it “state of temporary insanity” – on the occasion of St.. Valentine's Mexican Scientists. Love is to be distinguished from attachment and sexual attraction, because it activates chemicals in the brain, which engage all neurons and make, that you only think of a loved one – Georgina Montemayor Flores of the Department of Medicine of the Autonomous State University of Mexico City wrote in a release, the largest Latin American university. As Ms Montemayor emphasizes, this state “usually lasts at most four years or until, when another person arrives, which will cause a romantic gust, and then there is only attachment or sympathy”. Because the person in love still thinks of the same person, his mental state can be compared to “state of compulsive obsession”. For this reason – as Mrs Montemayor believes – you can only fall in love with a person once. At first, love becomes such an obsession, that “a man in love ceases to be productive(…) and actually – great works of art were never created in the period, when their authors were in love, only later, during the process of falling out of love”. The Mexican scientist emphasizes, that the state of falling in love must end, because the brain is not able to keep working at top speed all the time.
She warned about it, that falling in love “it gives rise to a need as strong as the impulse to eat or drink, and although it is possible to control its creation, that's when it gets started, it cannot be stopped”. Ms Montemayor stresses finally, that “love comes at a price – one loses freedom and becomes dependent on the other person”.