The world championship in pizza baking

The world championship in pizza baking

The world pizza baking championship started on Monday in Salsomaggiore Terme near Parma in the north of Italy. By the seventeenth already “Pizza World Cup” takes part 450 players from all over the world aged from 17 do 90 Years. Competition participants are competing for eight championship titles in categories such as traditional pizza, Neapolitan, gluten free, as well as in the competition for the fastest baker, i.e. pizzaiolo and w “free style”, Pizza acrobatics and team baking. Mainly men take part in the championship, mainly, of course, a strong representation of Italians. A large group also came from the United States and Japan. The Japanese are favorites in acrobatics and team baking, and the Italians, understandably, in terms of traditional pizza. As always, the most anticipated is the presentation of the most beautiful and original pizza. Last year, a special award was given to pizza with vegetable cream, with bacon, mozzarellą z borrowed milk, boletus, black truffles and Parmesan cheese.