The university opened… casino

The university opened… casino

Employees of one of the Canadian universities opened at the university… casino. Scientists from Guelph, near Toronto, want to find out what makes, that thousands of people are losing a fortune while roulette, black jack or slot machines. The university has organized its own games room, because real casinos refused to cooperate. A small casino is set up in the basement of one of the university buildings. There are no windows or clocks, so that players do not feel the passing time. There are slot machines by the walls. According to the founders of an unusual gambling cave, the slot machine game is monotonous and causes a kind of trance. Players stop thinking rationally and spend more time on slots than planned. In the second room there is a special panoramic screen, which displays comparative materials shot inside a dozen real casinos. Scientists will study how the environment influences gamblers' behavior and what decorative elements stimulate their participation in the game. Casinos do not want to share statistical information about players and their habits. The video from inside the casinos was then shot with a hidden camera by the operator, who pretended to be disabled in a wheelchair.

Several hundred volunteers applied to participate in the research. Each of them will receive a symbolic salary. The amounts may be smaller or larger – depending on this, how many participants will win or lose on slot machines.