He stuck to the toilet seat
He stuck to the toilet seat
O tym jak niebezpieczne może być korzystanie z miejskich szaletów przekonał …
Curiosities from the world
He stuck to the toilet seat
O tym jak niebezpieczne może być korzystanie z miejskich szaletów przekonał …
Squirrel kebab
Ed Chester, chef of a restaurant at Otterton Mill, Devon, …
An average of three strikes a day in Italy
An average of three strikes a day have taken place in Italy over the past year and a half. Ogółem …
Councilors send detectives to brothels
Dziewięć samorządów lokalnych aglomeracji Sydney płaci prywatnym detektywom za kontakty intymne z kobietami lekkich …
He neutralized the shark with a blow to the eye
An Australian diver neutralized a 3-meter shark with a blow to the eye, which was already half swallowed – local media reported. 41-letni Eric …
Happy scratch card as a tip
In a restaurant in Sarajevo, the waitress was given a lottery scratch card as a tip – in front of the amazed customer – wygrała trzy razy …
He finished his studies at the age of 87 Years
It took a while, but Mr. Harada has finally made his greatest dream come true and in age 87 years he graduated in economics. …
Captured google.de domain
For a few hours, the German version of Google disappeared from the Internet. Who “kidnapped” popular search engine? Pod adresem wyszukiwarki pod niemiecką domeną pojawiło się logo …
Buried with text messages, the thief gave the loot
A Chinese thief returned a stolen cell phone to his victim, because the distraught woman sent to him 21 SMS requests …
100 million euro for Dracula's Castle
Romanian castle in Bran, among tourists it is known as Prince Dracula's Castle, an American company will probably buy it. The current owner of the castle, Dominic …