Acadamy of Arts

Acadamy of Arts, an institution that is part of the Institut de France, regret. 1803 (name from 1816). It is divided into sections: …

Academy of Saint-Luc

Academy of Saint-Luc, institution. 1649 in Paris by the guild of painters and sculptors (Maîtrise des Peintres et des Sculpteurs …

Académie de France at Home

Académie de France at Home, university est. 1666 by J. B. Colberta, w której kontynuowali naukę najzdolniejsi uczniowie paryskich …

Career Academy

Career Academy, private painting school in Paris, regret. 1897 by E Carriére. She was attended by, among others. in. the fauvists came: A. …


Abstraction-Creation, international group of artists, gathering supporters of objectless art, created 1931 in Paris on the initiative of A.. Herbina i G. Vantongerloo. Grupa …

Abadie Paul (1812—84)

Abadie Paul (1812—84), architect. He worked on the maintenance of many mediums. churches, m. in. cathedrals in Paris (from 1845) i Angouleme (1866— 85). His main. dziełem jest …