Grandmother's dream book (pie)
Grandmother's dream book (pie).
dream Book, dream about - Grandmother (pie).
The meaning of sleep - Grandmother (pie).
The imminent baptism.
Curiosities from the world
dream Book, dream about - Grandmother (pie).
The meaning of sleep - Grandmother (pie).
The imminent baptism.
dream Book, dream about - Grandma.
The meaning of sleep - Grandma.
Meet Grannies: a source of wisdom and experience;
dream Book, you it - dad.
The meaning of sleep - Baba.
Pay attention to the gossipers,
dream Book, you it – Balcony.
The meaning of sleep - Balcony.
Look from the balcony: spotkasz dobrego człowieka;
Człowiek spadający z
dream Book, you it - Balia.
The meaning of sleep - Tub.
We need to cleanse ourselves of the guilt and wickedness we have done recently.
Hot tub filled with water: zadowolenie
dream Book, you it - ballet dancer.
The meaning of sleep - Ballet.
Disappointment caused by the person you had hoped for.
dream Book, sen o - Baleron.
The meaning of sleep - Baleron.
See and eat ham - deterioration of health.
Buying Ham - a prosperous life.
dream Book, you she - ballerina.
The meaning of sleep - Ballerina.
To be a Ballerina - well-being and the eternal desire for carefree fun.
See the Ballerina – zazdrość
dream Book, sen o - Baldachim.
The meaning of sleep - Canopy.
High social position and respect.
In professional matters: take care, so that people don't take advantage of you.
dream Book, sen o - Balast.
The meaning of sleep - Ballast.
Watch out for your associates, one of them is planning something behind your back.