He got the tv too 40 thousand. rats
He got the tv too 40 thousand. rats
“Master of Bangladesh” the villager was left, który w ramach rządowego programu …
Curiosities from the world
He got the tv too 40 thousand. rats
“Master of Bangladesh” the villager was left, który w ramach rządowego programu …
Record: she failed her driving test 771 times
How many times can a driving license be taken? Much. …
Prehistoric whales were born on the beach
Early whales lived between land and ocean – hunted in the water, a …
They recover gold from… sewage treatment plants
A wastewater treatment plant in Japan recovers more gold from the water-filtered waste and scrap, …
The biggest bust – world record broken
The largest bust in the world no longer belongs to Maxi Mounds. Thanks to another plastic surgery, Sheyla Hershey regained her title – …
The first woman, which crossed the Atlantic
56-year-old Jennifer Figge became the first woman, which crossed the Atlantic Ocean reaching last year. Thursday 5 lutego do plaży na karaibskiej …
By the bailiff he will earn 20 you pounds
The driver parked badly and got a ticket. Then three more. However, he refused to pay and a bailiff knocked on his door. …
Setback: security guards lost 20 thousand. dollars. They did not notice..
The money can be found on the street, all it takes is a bit of luck. But is it possible to lose the bag, in which it is located …
A monument in honor of the shoe was unveiled, thrown at Bush
Throwing shoes on US President George W.. Bush by an Iraqi journalist inspires artists. W Tikricie w północnym …
Flat, where time has stood still
The owner of this apartment in Leipzig had to get out in a hurry just before the fall of the Berlin Wall. By 20 lat nikt …