Association of Democratic Education in Krakow. Feel free to contact us:
Do children in a democratic school pass exams, like children in home education?
Curiosities from the world
Waves of guests swam through the Seat. From 13. do 20. there was someone all the time, and most often a few ktosiów. Zawiesiliśmy ozdoby naszej …
lovely, we remind you of the planned for Thursday, 18.12.2014 Open Day of the Democratic School.
Over the past few weeks, the plan for this day has evolved, rodziły …
The Democratic School from Kraków went to Warsaw. We spent five days visiting the Responsible School, we also visited Bulerbyn, warszawską …
Stowarzyszenie Edukacja demokratyczna w Krakowie was created, to support the development of democratic schools and all forms of education, które stawiają na naukę przez …
A democratic school is nothing more than a community of equals, building relationships based on mutual respect, kierujących swoją własną edukacją w sposób wypływający z …
Association of Democratic Education in Krakow. Feel free to contact us:
Do children in a democratic school pass exams, like children in home education?
Day 30.08.2014 On the same year, our prime minister was elected President of the European Council, Donald Tusk. Probably many of us are wondering, …