Councilors send detectives to brothels
Councilors send detectives to brothels
Nine local governments in the Sydney agglomeration pay private investigators for sexual relations with prostitutes, w …
Curiosities from the world
Councilors send detectives to brothels
Nine local governments in the Sydney agglomeration pay private investigators for sexual relations with prostitutes, w …
He neutralized the shark with a blow to the eye
An Australian diver neutralized a 3-meter shark with a blow to the eye, which was already half swallowed – …
The false jaw is a proof against the thief
A false jaw is one of the key pieces of evidence in a car break-in case, prowadzonej przez policję …
Detained years later for stealing tools and stewed fruit
Rozwój technik kryminalistycznych nie pozwala na spokojny sen nawet sprawcom drobnych przestępstw …
Poles in England speak Ponglish
“Metro”: Give me the phone, when you are free, so I'll take the day off and spend some money – takim właśnie …
To trust or not to trust
Sometimes it is better to follow the advice of others than to follow your own views – scientists write in the January issue of the magazine “Ethology”. Such …
The driver was driving with alcohol “the frame itself” cars
Car without license plates, bumper, fenders, the engine cover, reflektorów i kierunkowskazów zatrzymali dolnośląscy policjanci na drodze w okolicach …
The horse died in the war – money is owed
The peasant's family, who gave the horse to the Polish army in 1939 year, he wants a refund for the confiscated animal. W …
Italian architects don't want a second leaning tower
Seller, who broke a tooth on a cookie while visiting a customer, will be reimbursed for treatment, ponieważ należy mu się …
He was afraid of his parents – he wanted to hire a fiancée
Desperate student of Beijing University Zhu Lijie decided “rent” on 10 days girlfriend, która będzie udawać narzeczoną przed …