Love: state of temporary insanity

Love: state of temporary insanity

Love lasts no more than four years and is what characterizes it “state of temporary insanity” – oświadczyli z okazji przypadającego …

Tiger resuscitation using the method… lips lips

Tiger resuscitation using the method… lips lips

The baby tiger from Halle in central Germany owes its life to the lightning reaction of a medical student and… oddychaniu metodą …

The university opened… casino

The university opened… casino

Employees of one of the Canadian universities opened at the university… casino. Scientists from Guelph, near Toronto, chcą ustalić …

“Harry Potter and moral values”

“Harry Potter and moral values”

Harry Potter as a promoter of moral values ​​and good, as well as the epitome of dark forces, spells and manipulations – takie dwa portrety …

A huge bull raged on the highway

A huge bull raged on the highway.

A huge bull blocked traffic on the highway near Saint Paul, Minnesota. Ważące tonę zwierzę uszkodziło dwa samochody zaatakowało policjanta …