Where do the differences between women and men come from?
Where do the differences between women and men come from?
According to American scientists, problemy kobiet w czytaniu map oraz …
Curiosities from the world
Where do the differences between women and men come from?
According to American scientists, problemy kobiet w czytaniu map oraz …
The fattest man in the world does not walk, but he will ride
The fattest man in the world, Manuel Uribe wciąż nie …
In love, the robot did not want to let the woman leave the laboratory
Looks like it, że doczekaliśmy się pierwszego …
Came to work in the morning, he realised, that he hit a six
Came to work in the morning, he realised, że trafił szóstkę i wysłał …
Discovered “visual” a secret
Person view, With whom we talk, it helps us to understand her statements six times over – US scientists observed. Wyniki badań opublikowano na łamach …
70-a year old convicted of roller skating madness
A three hundred pound fine for a 70-year-old British skater. Geof Dornan was convicted of disturbing public order, bo pędził na rolkach …
She chased the bailiff away with kisses
With fire kisses, a 47-year-old lady from Telgte, North Rhine-Westphalia, forced a bailiff to flee, who came to her, having announced in advance …
Belarusians! Raise frogs!
Belarusian scientists have proposed an original method of fighting the financial crisis, which – In their opinion – will allow you to get “significant currency inflows”. Chodzi o hodowlę …
He hasn't shaved since 35 Years!
52-a summer teacher from India grew a long beard 2,13 m – and he wants to, aby wpisano ją do Księgi Rekordów …
Left-handed people earn more, but they live shorter
The theory of evolution predicts, that genes, that don't help us survive, are gradually removed from our genome. So it was left-handedness, …