Sausage contains a lot of vitamin C.
Sausage contains a lot of vitamin C.
Norwegian scientists conducted the research, from which it results, że kiełbasa zawiera …
Curiosities from the world
Sausage contains a lot of vitamin C.
Norwegian scientists conducted the research, from which it results, że kiełbasa zawiera …
Make friends at school, you will earn more
It's worth having a lot of friends at school. Bo to …
Netherlands: The phone line to God is under siege
Cellular telephone line, advertised as a direct connection with God, …
The ugliest cat in the world?
A veterinary clinic in New Hampshire, USA, has an unusual tenant. Ugly Bat Boy – tak nazywa się …
Atlantis found?
A fascinating shape was found with Google Earth, located almost 5 kilometers below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean. According to some, the photo shows a lost mythical city …
Boa constrictor in the couch
Some people find small coins in the couch, leftovers of food eaten in front of the TV or even toys of their children. Jednak prawdziwą niespodziankę znaleźli dwaj …
Russia: the driver by mistake became a millionaire
A Moscow court sentenced a man to eight years in prison, who became a millionaire as a result of a banking server error. Zarzucono mu przywłaszczenie …
The first such childbirth: only one of the triplets was born
In Rennes, a woman expecting triplets gave birth to the first triplets, dwoje pozostaje wciąż w łonie …
They photographed a 30-meter snake? Controversial photos
UFOs in photos are often controversial. How about a 30-meter snake? The monstrous animal is said to live in a river on the island of Borneo. …
Record: she sang through 76 hours non-stop
The housewife broke the Guinness record for singing. The marathon was interrupted only after 76 hours at the express request of your family, …