Is there a ball lightning?

Is there a ball lightning?

Above 200 years ago, the crew of the ship HMS Warren Hastings reported, że ​​została zaatakowana przez olbrzymie kule …

Why are the planets round?

Why are the planets round?

The sun and all eight planets in the solar system are round. Why? Siła grawitacji masy planety ściąga …

History of coffee

History of coffee

History of coffee , discovery and spread of coffee as a stimulating drink.

It is believed, that wild coffee plants (Coffea species) …

Weird fluorescent frog found

Weird fluorescent frog found.

In March 2017 of the year, a team of Argentinean and Brazilian scientists has announced, that he found a tree frog, which fluoresces naturally , the first known amphibian, …

Why is the sky blue?

Why is the sky blue?

One of the perennial questions of childhood is: "Why is the sky blue?”You may have asked about it as a child, or you may have a child, …