What sport is the best for slimming

What sport is the best for slimming

Sports good for slimming

Jeśli chcemy zrzucić zbędne kilogramy, it's in addition to the diet, zdrowego odżywiania potrzebny

How to prepare for a marathon

How to prepare for a marathon

Preparation for the marathon

Many runners dream about it, to start a full marathon in the future. …



New web GG. Dzięki wersji komunikatora GG w przeglądarce możesz być zawsze w kontakcie i jeszcze bliżej przyjaciół i …

What are the site portals for listening to music

What are the site portals for listening to music

For music listening

Słuchanie muzyki jest możliwe na wielu stronach internetowych oraz w …

What is Spotify

What is Spotify


Not everyone is aware of this, what is Spotify. However, if we like to listen to music and we do it almost compulsively, …

How to overcome stage fright

How to overcome stage fright

Fighting stage fright

If anybody thinks, that a mature actor or singer, who has been performing on stage for many years, there is no stage fright, myli …

Can you learn to sing

Can you learn to sing

Singing lessons

Some people dream about it, to connect your future with music. However, not everyone will be given this. Niestety są …

What are the best voices in the world

What are the best voices in the world

The best voices in the world

It will be a very subjective opinion, because it's hard to talk about the best voices in the world, skoro każdy ma …

Who is Dillon

Who is Dillon

A few words about Dillon

There are people, who are constantly looking for new music and currently have nothing to listen to. Dlatego słuchają ludzi mniej …