Root vegetables fungal diseases

Root vegetables fungal diseases

Gray mold

Porażenie chorobą następuje poprzez bezpośredni kontakt zdrowych warzyw z chorymi za pośrednictwem zarodników w …

Ways of storing vegetables

Ways of storing vegetables

In practice, many methods of storing vegetables are used. The method of storage is also selected depending on the size and development of the farm. W małych …

Romance (?)

Romanticism is not passé.

Romance resounds at school:

I get bad in the bad crowd of people,
Cry, and they mock;
I say, no one understands;
I see, oni nie

On a journey through Middle-earth

Today is a scientific day: first about archetypes on the example of Tolkien's The Hobbit (what about a fairy tale, what a myth, what about chivalrous ballads and what is fantasy), …