The TV presenter vomited on the vision

The TV presenter vomited on the vision

The Swedish TV presenter became a star after that, jak zwymiotowała na …

A Peruvian immigrant mending the papal shoes

A Peruvian immigrant mending the papal shoes

Benedict XVI's shoes are being repaired by a Peruvian immigrant, Antonio Arellano, which has a shoemaker's shop near the Vatican …

Wireless electricity

Wireless electricity

A group of scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology demonstrated their concept called “WiTricity”. The name comes from WIreless elecTRICITY – that is, wireless electricity. W …

Papuans run on coconut fuel

Papuans run on coconut fuel

The people of Papua New Guinea have found an unusual way to get expensive gasoline. On Bougainville Island, they started producing their own fuel, używając jako …

Counting shoe found 3500 Years

Counting shoe found 3500 Years

A shoe measuring approx. 3500 Years. He made a discovery, On the height 2 thousand. meters above sea level, turysta wędrujący po jednym …