Soap with caffeine instead of a little black one in the morning
Soap with caffeine instead of a little black one in the morning
Something was invented for these, którzy o poranku …
Curiosities from the world
Soap with caffeine instead of a little black one in the morning
Something was invented for these, którzy o poranku …
Thousands of bananas on the beach
Tysiące niedojrzałych bananów wyrzuciło morze na plaże holenderskich wysp Terschelling i …
Popular series in danger.
TV and film writers are on strike in Hollywood and New York. W …
Dessert too 25 thousand dollars containing gold
One of the New York restaurants has introduced a dessert for cocoa of the highest quality to its menu, …
Moscow: stealing one of the most expensive cars in the world
In Moscow, unknown perpetrators stole one of the most expensive serial cars in the world. Maybacha 57 – wartego pół miliona …
Innovative punishment for road pirates
Australian police will soon introduce extremely strict, innovative punishment for participants of illegal car races through the streets of Sydney. Przyłapani na tej niebezpiecznej zabawie …
He won the Lotto and, out of joy, lowered gasoline prices
Owner of a gas station in Canada, who found out, that he won the Lotto 11 million dollars, …
Record price for a camera
336 thousand. euro zapłacił w sobotę prywatny kolekcjoner z jednego z krajów europejskich za jeden z pierwszych aparatów małoobrazkowych na …
102-years old in a disassembled football calendar
102-the summer woman undressed, to be included in the dismantled calendar issued for the local football club - he informs “Daily Telegraph”. …
The obese passenger won with the airlines
Air France is to refund the ticket and compensate the passenger, which by virtue of its extraordinary weight …