Career Academy

Career Academy, private painting school in Paris, regret. 1897 by E Carriére. She was attended by, among others. in. the fauvists came: A. …


Abstraction-Creation, international group of artists, gathering supporters of objectless art, created 1931 in Paris on the initiative of A.. Herbina i G. Vantongerloo. Grupa …

Abbeville, dep. Sum (Picardy)

Abbeville, dep. Sum (Picardy). The old part of the city was destroyed in 1940. The late Gothic collegiate church of St-Vulfran has been preserved (three-nave basilica with a transept, …

Abbot Niccolo dell (ok. 1512—71)

Abbot Niccolo dell (ok. 1512—71), Italian painter, representative of the first school of Fontainebleau. He worked in Modena and Bologna; w 1552 został …

Abadie Paul (1812—84)

Abadie Paul (1812—84), architect. He worked on the maintenance of many mediums. churches, m. in. cathedrals in Paris (from 1845) i Angouleme (1866— …

Niels Bohr ur.1885- died 1962

Niels Bohr ur.1885- died 1962

Quantum mechanics is the foundation of twentieth-century physics. It made it possible to understand the phenomena occurring in the microworld and allowed for many technical achievements, takich jak budowa …

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein – was born in 1879 year – he died in 1955 year.

Albert Einstein's theories are the source of twentieth-century physics. His specific and general theory …