This time we have dates. Have to say, what happened in Poland in the given years. These are important dates. Each of them tells about a fact, who got pregnant, sometimes positive, sometimes negative, on our history. It is worth remembering them, because most of them are milestones in our history. For some, these questions will be too easy. It would be good, if for everyone.

1. 966

2. 1025

3. 1138

4. 1226

5. 1364

6. 1496

7. 1569

8. 1655

9. 1791

10. 1864


1. W 966 R. Poland adopted Christianity. It was of great political importance. In this way, Mieszko I deprived the Germans of the pretext for further conquests in the name of spreading the faith. The way was opening for the influence of Western culture in Poland, and also for the seizure of feudal devices, which contributed sic; to consolidate the ruling class.

2. In year 1025 Bolesław the Brave, at the end of life, he was crowned king of Poland. In this way, having brought the state to prosperity and power, he wished to give a visible sign of Poland's independence. The coronation was a symbol of the unity and indivisibility of the state. It emphasized the authority of the sovereign monarchy against the centrifugal tendencies of the magnates.

3. Year 1138 is the date of the statute of Bolesław the Wrymouth, who before his death divided the state among his four sons. The supreme authority was to belong to the senior, who, in addition to his own district, received the land of Kraków, Łęczycka, part of Greater Poland and Pomerania, which were not subdivided. The statute of 1138 R. initiated the division of Poland into districts.

4. W 1226 R. Konrad Mazowiecki brought the German knightly order of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Poland to fight pagan Prussia, that is, the Teutonic Knights, and gave them the land of Chelmno. Within approx 50 years the Teutonic Knights conquered the country of Prussia, taking it for myself, against Konrad's intentions. A dangerous power arose at the gates of a broken Poland.

5. W 1364 R. Casimir the Great founded the University of Krakow, as the second in Central Europe, in Prague (1348), and before the Viennese (1365). The Kazimierzowska Foundation provided the university with extensive autonomy. Most of the departments are law departments, moreover, two departments of medicine and one liberal arts.

6. Jan Olbracht, wanting to obtain the consent of the nobility for a Turkish expedition, he made significant concessions to her, unfavorable for the townspeople and peasants. In year 1496 during the Seym in Piotrków the townspeople were forbidden to buy land, the peasants were tied more strongly to the land. Only one in a year was allowed to leave the village with the consent of the master and go into service, studies or for crafts.

7. In year 1569 Poland and Lithuania concluded a union at the Sejm in Lublin, joining in “one Republic” while maintaining certain separateness of both countries. From then on, Poland and Lithuania were to have a jointly elected king, and at the same time a great prince, joint diet, foreign policy and coin. The law was separate, offices, army, treasure and administration.

8. W 1655 R. Swedish troops entered the Commonwealth nowhere meeting any greater resistance. Tycoons, common start, cities surrendered to foreign invaders. In this difficult situation, the peasant masses as well as petty and middle nobility were the first to fight back. 5-the summer war with the Swedes caused enormous destruction of the country.

9. 3 May of the year 1791 Sejm, counselor cont 1788 R. over the reform of the Republic of Poland, passed a new constitution. It abolished free elections and liberum veto. She ensured the townspeople with personal inviolability, the right to acquire landed goods and to occupy higher offices. She left the serfdom and serfdom unchanged.

10. In March 1864 R. The tsarist government issued a decree enfranchising the peasants in the Kingdom. It was the main achievement of the January Uprising. The insurgent manifesto preached: "Earth, which the farming people had hitherto owned as rent or serfdom, becomes his unconditional property from that moment on.” The tsarist government recognized only a fait accompli. Data 1864 ends the period of feudalism in Poland.