This week, do kolekcji dołączył kolejny steel book, this time from the limited edition of the zavvi store. Mowa o filmie Glass Trap z Brucem Willisem w roli głównej.

Die Hard is a classic action movie, from the end of the years 80. full of diagrams, which we saw thousands of times in the cinema later. The main character is a New York cop, who is in the wrong place at the wrong time and has to face organized terrorists on his own. We can also find a lot in the movie, iconic dialogues and sayings, which entered mass culture for good. Despite, iż od premiery minęło ponad 25 Years, this picture has not even aged by a day, the action scenes are still impressive, and the above-mentioned action cinema schemes do not interfere with the reception, all thanks to the great cast, scenariuszowi i reżyserii.

However, let's focus on the release itself, because we are dealing here with a great steelbook. Graphic design, it is in shades of gray, with a white title on the cover. Tak jak w kolejnych częściach wydawanych przez zavvi, na okładce umieszczono głównego bohatera: John’a McClane. It's hard to be surprised, because there is no doubt, that he is the driving force behind every movie, especially the first three parts. The inside of the packaging is dedicated to the figure of Argyle.

summarizing, it is definitely the best release the series has ever been released and I already know, that the next parts will definitely go to the collection. We have here everything a Polish audience needs, good picture quality, high-level sound and, most importantly, the Polish language version(writings).

I invite you to commenting, More new items in the collection in just a week.


Title: Die Hard / Glass Trap

release date: 8 Październik 2013

Package: steel book

Number of plates: 1 BD

Polish language version: TAK

Carrier: Blu-ray

Region: UK

Region: B

Audio: English

Subtitles: Polish

Studio: 20th Century Fox

Duration: 127 minutes.

Video: 8/10
Audio: 8/10
Extras: 8/10
Package: 8/10
Average: 8/10