How to deal with a variety of stains?

Fabrics suitable for wet washing are washed in the highest permissible temperature. Clothes stained with a cream foundation are first soaked in 5 ml of ammonia dissolved in 500 ml of water or soften dry stains with glycerin. Moisten the traces of lipstick with eucalyptus oil, and then remove with a spray stain remover. Moisten mascara stains with a stain remover, and then a solution of ammonia in water in a proportion 1:3.
Fabrics, which cannot be washed, moisten with washing-up liquid or sprinkle the stain with talcum powder and brush off the powder after drying. Stubborn stains should be moistened with alcohol.
Creosote. Wipe the material with an absorbent tampon moistened with lighter fluid, and then we wash. Fabrics not suitable for washing are sent to the laundry.

Rinse wet stains on the carpet with soda, and then moisten it with a sponge dipped in cold water, at the end, dry it with a cloth. We use shampoo when necessary.
Put the mattress on its side and put a towel on it under the stain, so that it does not grow. Wipe the stain with a sponge dipped in salt water, rinse with clean water and dry with a cloth. Remove any remaining stains with upholstery shampoo.
Remove stains on furniture upholstery with cold water and a few drops of ammonia, then wash it with a sponge dipped in clean water and squeeze out the rest of the liquid with a cloth.

Nail polish.
We rub off immediately, we cover the stain with an absorbent tampon and on the other side we apply another tampon moistened with solvent.
Most fabrics can be removed with acetone or oil-free nail polish remover. Synthetic fabrics containing acetates and triacetates are cleaned with amyl acetate. Soften the stains on carpets with a solvent and wipe with a clean tampon. Moisten the remaining colored traces with alcohol, unless the carpet is made of synthetic fabrics containing acetates and triacetates.